Thursday, March 17, 2011

body pump : a love story

i am a weak ass.
but all things are temporary!

i have good people in my life who keep me in check and dont let me drown in the chaos that is my life lately. i am grateful for the girls who send me the encouraging texts and make the demanding phone calls that i promptly "get my booty to class!" on tuesday and thursday evenings. it is too easy for me to tell myself to stay home and collapse under the weight of all that is happening - and the distraction of cardio and weight lifting set to annoying hip hop has been exactly what i needed.

let me say for clarification that i am not a numbers person - my weight is a number and numbers do not control my thoughts. the only thing i want from my body is health and energy to live and love for as long as i can. some recent developments have led me to decide for myself that i will always work to be healthy in body and mind so i can be the best wife, momma, daughter and sister possible - i will not make my loved ones suffer for my ill health or depressed mind.

the book im studying now for women's group mentions "mental housecleaning" quite a bit, how we take inventory of what we think and feel, and make decisions about what can stay with us or what needs repair or what needs to be thrown out. today i dismiss the notion i am worthless, small, ignored, stupid, a b*@& (have been called that more in the past month than i would like to admit), and just generally useless as a friend and support.

also starting today, i choose to believe.
i accept myself as i am.
i change what i can - i release what i cannot.
i LOVE myself, in the way i know God loves me.

i am lovable. i have two best friends who never let me forget.


s day @ said...

seriously my sister. I LOVE you. I love this post! I would have LOVED to gone for a walk today but your call came when I was elbow deep in diapers and wipes at costco and headed to walmart afterward. I sooo would have rather been walking with you and the darling rosie. Your post is amazing, as are you.

Becky Andrews said...

what a great message in so many areas. thanks for your inspiration.