Saturday, January 2, 2010

not exactly a complaint

a lot has changed for us in the past seven months. when colby was let go from the refinery, the first thing to go was the jeep because the gas mileage was ridiculous (even for an SUV), the registration was up (and you'd be surprised how impossible $130 for emissions and safety and decals seemed to us then), and the jeep wasnt putting off good vibes for a healthy, long-lasting relationship. so we did what any struggling couple would do: dupe your younger brother into buying it off you for cheap and fixing it up for himself.

only a few months later did colby accidentally kill my car, my baby, the lil' biotch. she is currently buried under what looks to me like eight inches of snow in the driveway. sad.

so when these unfortunate events came to pass, our choice was to buy the suby, good ole all-wheel drive snow-kickin-butt hatchback, and we have thus far been able to juggle the one-car philosophy of life. i frequent the bus, we carpool to work, and plan ahead for pretty much every activity involving leaving the house.

i would say that 80 percent of the time, i handle this pretty well. just to clarify that I am the one who makes the sacrifice (no surprises there), colby always has the car and always does the driving. there were a few weeks in there where i didnt drive at all - and it felt pretty weird to finally sit behind the steering wheel when it was my turn. however, yesterday i did not handle this stranded pedestrian role very gracefully. there was a last minute family activity arranged in sandy yesterday afternoon, and because colby was at work and no buses or trains operated because of the holiday, i had no options but to beg my inlaws, walk the 35 miles, or quietly throw a tantrum because i was unable to attend. let me just say that two of the three actually came to pass.

so i guess what im trying to say to you is this:
not even having your own car and the independence to come and go as you please. lets alter the focus for a minute to make myself feel better, shall we?

good things to happen since i stay home more often:
dishes are usually done
rosie always has a buddy
lots of books get read
i watch a lot of HBO and PBS (strangely complementary)

anyways, how am i doing you ask?
im okay. most days suffering from a raging cabin fever, but otherwise doing well. thanks for your concern.

1 comment:

Brooke Boren said...

i'm sorry dear that sounds very frustrating. Just know that I am always willing to save you from your cabin fever, and take you to get a pedi or some yummy treats or just to chat. love you! :)