Thursday, December 31, 2009

a year in review

the biggest part of my 2009.
it was one year ago when i finished school. what does the future hold in store for me now? graduate school? babies? should i pen a book on my exploits? all i really know is that im proud for finishing the one thing i promised myself i wouldnt mess up on (since heaven only knows how many mistakes i have made).

i loved school. really. i loved being around people who chose to learn. and the fact that these people didnt seek an education for financial profit, but for the shaping and improvement of the community, from the little people on up.


Brooke Boren said...

des you are awesome. I am excited to see what this year has in store for you too!

Nic said...

Ahh Des, you should write a book. You have this romanticism about you. 2010 is going to blow 2009 out of the water for you! Pls see moi blog for drum store story.