Thursday, November 13, 2008

some of my favorite people

this is jake - and the pic is fuzzy because he doesnt sit still for long.
he was sweet enough to call me twice on my birthday yesterday and was quite concerned that i wasnt having a party.

max, the neighbor to the back with the immaculate garden. one of my favorites because we will be out in the backyard and discover little secret piles of veggies and melons he has tossed over the fence. and he loves rosie - we catch him playing with her through the fence all the time.

dilly, jake's partner in crime and possibly the cutest baby ever. love him because he likes to tell grand stories of seeing fireworks on the fourth of july and he climbs practically inside the dishwasher when the door is down, which i think is hilarious.
okay... so i promised myself i wouldnt turn into one of those weird ladies that freak out over how cute their puppies are, but come on! are you saying you could look at sweet rosie's face and not get tugged on the heartstrings? she is my best furry friend and is currently sitting on my lap as i write this.
to my left is LL - and this is the funniest pic i could find of her from our summer camp trip to Lost Lake. basically we like to be hoes and biotches together, and have secret girl excursions of pedicures - and many other secret things! haha!
this next favorite person is Taliban Colby.
oh my gosh im laughing so much.
this is from the day we did lawn/leaf maintenance and he needed something to block the leaf dust from going up his nose and in his mouth while sucking them up - i recommended my tiny pirate stripe t shirt mostly because i wanted a funny picture of him and knew he wouldnt be fast enough to chase after me after capturing this incriminating photo. here, this next one does him slightly more justice.

colby is my fav fav person because he is The Man about The Lawn and works so so hard for our little fam of three to have our cute house and yard full of leaves. this and he got me coldplay tickets for my birthday - so between the two, he's alright by me.

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