Thursday, November 6, 2008

getting myself into trouble

what am i doing up so late, you ask?
well the noble albeit incorrect answer would be homework/housework/work of some sort, but the truth is that im crazy wired from the U football game where we magically beat TCU. i pooped my pants from excitement... well, not really, but symbolically i really did lose it over how wild the last two minutes of the game were. and now i am up, not a wink of tired in my body. C is snoring in the next room which poses another challenge of when i actually decide to go to sleep -sigh! its worth the self sacrifice to indulge in these last few weeks of university life, right?

but what im really doing now is spying.
yes, spying.
mostly on this lady:

i have come to the realization that im jealous. i want to be like her in every blog way - to cook like her, write like her, and post like her with great descriptions and awesome action photos.

am i bordering on stalker-ish yet?

hopefully no, because i also like to spy on this lady:

have i missed something? some kind of blogging workshop where they teach you how to make your life appear grand and beautiful and photogenic? where are all these people on a day to day basis? and what just tears me up -
and i just have a job, an academic career, a husband, and a puppy, most of which these ladies share with me. well, at least the husband and puppy part. hello? am i the only one who feels like some arenas of the blogging world are a little stepford-y?

and yet i want to be like them. go figure.

1 comment:

swalberg said...

This is Richard Swalberg.
tell Colby that i said hi.
check out
i'm sure it's more intertaining that bodyworks or spying on that cooking lady.