Monday, August 18, 2008

train game+inlaws+brownies=crazy fun

Okay. So Im the kind of person who likes to be by myself on a quiet Sunday evening - most of the time Colby is on the computer familiarizing himself with his level 70 feral druid (if you know what Im talking about, then we can simpathize with each other) and I am comfortably watching either Food Network or whatever excellent movie ABC Family channel is airing at the moment. But the last couple of Sundays have been different since we have owned this awesome game. The best part is that it was freaking 50 bucks so we are at least getting our moneys worth.

Credit must be given to K and D for introducing us to the train game, and thoroughly kicking our trash thus giving us a taste for healthy competition. We had to own it after that fateful Friday night. Lucky for me, is probably the most awesome store I have ever been to and is open till 11 every night - woo!

We have played this game every Sunday with Colby's mom and brother for a few weeks now, and yesterday I finally beat them all! This is quite the feat because J is big on sabotage and L never realizes when she's winning... which is often I should add. Oh and L made brownies with frosting for game night yesterday. Mmmmmmmm..... gooey choc-fudgy cake with gooey choc frosting......

So despite the irony of it all, Colby and I actually started enjoying our nights over there...

And pigs shall fly this weekend, too.

1 comment:

Nic said...

What? So now that school has started back up again, no more blog posts? I'm sad.