i am an individual living with depression and fighting it everyday.
i am now in a current state to be honest with myself and everyone in my world about my illness. these are to me what diabetes, asthma, or Aspergers are to others. i can almost lovingly think of these facets of my personality as annoying, loud, yet welcome family members who come to stay from time to time. the reality of my life is that i will always have to work a little harder to stay emotionally balanced, and my husband, oh my poor, sweet husband, has graciously declared himself to be "team des".
really the only reason i am writing about any of this is to bring a face to the condition. dear family, friends, and random readers, if you have ever felt any depth of sadness great enough to make sitting up in bed impossible, any pit of darkness that actually makes you consider your life unworthy to continue,
i know how un-alone i am. and i am grateful.
You have always been a bright spot in my life Des, and I would never have guessed!!EVer!! you have always seemed so positive and uplifting as a friend. Thank you for sharing cuz yes I have had those moments too:(... Glad to know I am not crazy!!
Way to go Des. You are the awesomeness that the world needs to taste. You have a great hubs to stand by your side and you'll stand a little taller after each swing of the pendulum. Hang in...
love ya.
i love you. so much.
Remember Des - you are never alone! You will always have your tribe sisters who love and support you! You have made a huge difference in my life! Love you!
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