Wednesday, June 30, 2010

a note on resilience

by 5 pm every day, my plant and i feel about the same.

i might ask myself, "what exactly about today wore me down so bad?" - for which i of course have no specific answer, just a general yuck-i-hate-the-heat feeling, im probably tired of working to put money into someone else's pocket, and am most likely hungry. no surprises there.

colby always has a wind-down moment when he gets home, and it usually involves the computer or a long chat on his phone with one of his many dude friends. if there is trash to be taken out, mail to be fetched, or any other number of mundane duties waiting for him, they must simply continue waiting until he is good and ready to face up to them.

this is something that i love and hate about him.

and he has taught me to relax a bit about things. did you know that dirty dishes dont actually control your life? or that a pile of unfolded laundry in the living room when the home teachers drop by is not something they will report back to their supervisor as cause for necessary intervention?

so this is a good thing, this relaxing and rebounding from my day.
all the plant needs is a little time and a nice, stiff drink and she is back to business and looking even more robust than she did that morning. time is all it takes. the green leaves will always fluff back up, the stems will always support the blooms.


even if it was 104 degrees - even if the sun beat down mercilessly - even if the wind blew the seemingly delicate sprouts from side to side, this plant will stand up straighter and meet the rest of her day with dignity.


marion family said...

I'm feeling about the same right now... I still need to learn how to relax. Fill me in on your secrets.

Funny how guys can wind down in their own weird way. My husbands is playing some war kind of video game. Go figure.

K and K said...

Love you! Thanks for being my friend! Can't wait for Tuesday to show you my new do! Take care of you! Love K&K

Unknown said...

serious jake does the same thing he prefers the 10 min nap right after work 30 min if I am feeling nice. I'm pretty sure that was an argument for our first two years lol! I feel like that plant too somedays! I am blessed we can rebound even afte our worst of days! des you have no idea how many people are team des! I spent a lot of last year feeling depressed with my loss of my dad, lifes stresses and after a close friend of mine started avoiding me for no apparent reason! Being friends with you and having a girl to talk to helped me so much! I am so happy we are friends and if you are ever feeling sad you can always call me :) you don't have to be alone either!

s day @ said...

perfectly stated.