Thursday, April 8, 2010

sister day

me likey.

the only thing missing was a trip to see's.

sometimes i dream up that my entire family builds Richmond American homes in the development where colby and i pretended we could afford it, but we buy an entire cul de sac! awesome, right? sending the kids to auntie's house next door for an afternoon (me being auntie), running to sister neighbor's house for dinner on sundays... and how crazy amazing would the easter egg hunt have been?!

but then i remember the teensy possibility of getting annoyed with each other, or people being too much in other people's bidness, or the fact that this idea is insane and that the Lyneses are not the family from The Work and the Glory.

its fun to pretend for a minute. but for now, we are spread out all over and excitedly awaiting the completion of Frontrunner South to connect Davis with Utah. i just hope the kiddies are still into trains at that time of life...


Nic said...

We would never be like that! Surely you jest!

Nic said...

PS-Jacob's new love: Known Universe. Scary show on NATGO about the cosmic collisions that are apparently going on and will kill us all. He LOVES it!