Wednesday, March 17, 2010

temper, temper...

somebody did something naughty!

this anonymous individual acted on an impulse to kick something, namely the wall in the kindergarten kid's bedroom, and is not being forgiven easily by said kid. i think this whole scenario is hilarious and ripe for parody. ripe like betty white for snl - booyah! anyways, we discussed briefly how for about 30 seconds after doing something violent and crazy like this that you actually feel better. interesting, yes? i wonder what the trigger in our brains is like that switches from relief and general "take that, universe!" feelings, to guilt and disappointment. do you think there is a medication to rid us of our guily impulses? dude, there is a med for just about anything else out there, and if NoGuilt 20mg does not exist yet I am adding it to my list of ideas shortly to be patended, like Diet Lipgloss and ShoulderKnotsBeGone.


Nic said...

Oh Des, you make me laugh even if it's at myself. I still cringe when I see the hole in the wall and can't even fathom how Isaac can stand to be in the same room as me. But alas, today is no better than Tuesday, only I did control my temper and did not kick in the wall. Somebody got a big spanking though.

steph said...

What?....she really kicked a hole in the wall. am imagining now...replacing Pete in my memory with Nicole for adequate picture.