Sunday, October 4, 2009

who's the obsessed one now?

so last night, we were headed to see zombieland with a couple of friends (movie was AWESOME by the way) and i was grump-central because colby made us late and we missed every preview. something about having to kill a big beetle in an alternate reality called world of warcraft. and if you know me at all, theres nothing i love more than highly anticipated previews and making fun of ones that look totally sucky - so all in all, things not going so hot. when i voiced my complaint to colby, things went a little like this:

me: i cant believe we are missing the previews! its the best part about paying 8 bucks to see a movie - knowing what will suck before the dollar-theater-goers.

colby: well, they won't show the twilight preview, anyway.

(long silence while i contemplate that and colby no doubt thought about $5 popcorn)

me: what do you mean they won't show the twilight preview? who said anything about the twilight preview? its a freaking zombie show - thats like saying 'well, they won't show the princess and the frog preview'.

colby: didn't you say twilight?

me: no.

colby: oh. im pretty sure you did.

and im pretty sure he likes twilight as much as any giggly, blushing girl but will never admit to daydreaming about jacob black - his latest object of admiration.

so anyways, this brief clip is for him. and you can enjoy it too.


Brooke Boren said...


Nic said...

I think this might be my anniversary movie. Romantic!