Monday, October 26, 2009

what i happily lost my weekend to:

red chicken chili that simmered in the CP for 8 hours, and then disappeared at the cook off faster than anybody else's - hello! a hearty (get the chili reference?) shout out to big sis steph for the recipe. and a house full of babies. even though they aren't really babies anymore, they will always be age 2 and age 5 to me, like how patty thought i was 8 for like 4 years. it was an
adventure, thats for sure.

and finally - colby's latest vid game and my latest pseudo crush:

nate from "uncharted 2". i have always been a fan of watching vid games when they are clever and have a fun story, and this one is especially great because the hero has an a%# that doesn't quit! i mean, check out the jeans!! wrangler butts drive me nuts!!


Nic said...

Goooo Chicken Chili! I always make this at my chili cook off and it always disappears. Sadly, I have yet to win the title though. Hmmmm?

Had tons of fun on Sat, Dylan + Rosie = True Love:)

Anonymous said...

Great meal dude..

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