Sunday, May 10, 2009

spot the graduate

can you find me in the pic above?
friday was commencement + convocation for me and everything was perfect. it was a beautiful day, and my parents, colby and his parents and grandparents, and my sis + baby were able to come to celebrate with me. afterwards, things got a little "blue" at my party hosted by the inlaws.

me and nicole, the Utah girls, also the only ones in the fam who cuss and we attribute that to our liberal arts education. woot! for being the two college grads in the lynes clan!!

the day would be incomplete without a victory dance of sorts. even though my future as of right now remains a tad cloudy and the economy and various other factors have made it difficult for me to find gainful employment, i find myself feeling extremely grateful and humbled that i was blessed enough to complete this journey. i always told myself i would finish for nobody and nothing except myself - because i made that promise to myself - but im grateful for the support of my friends and my proud family. the speakers at commencement put it better than i would ever be able to. please see:
Brittany Ann Gadbury - student speaker whom i danced with for a year
and remarks by David McCullough, the second cutest old man right behind Pres. Hinckley.

and to the other graduates out there:
"Always tip the maid."


Brooke Boren said...

Congrats congrats congrats!!!! Wish I was in your shoes!! :)

Nic said...

We are HOT Utah women!