Wednesday, January 28, 2009

things you never want your husband to say part one

not to over-blog today, but i must mention this. i believe i will start some sort of list... it would appear that colby says more than his share of ridiculous/embarassing one-liners. here goes:

"look how hairy my back is now!"

ugh. like i would ever want to look at his hairy back that is apparently hairier than it was the last time it was brought to my attention. ugh again. im off to fetch a five buck pizza because i need the distraction. and i will prob watch the lizard video one more time for good measure.

1 comment:

Colt and Merryn Givens said...

Ummm, knowing Colby this probably isn't even the first of many in your long eternity together. I can't even imagine how many parts to this saga there will be. Besides, his nickname is polar bear....