Monday, October 13, 2008

apple pickin' people

Apple tree gave fruit this year - and the branches are bent so far because they are so heavy that they arc and touch the ground. I've been so excited to "harvest". Watching them grow from little nuggets to green and yellow balls the size of walnuts, and now to see them in all their red and pink glory as fat, sweet Galas... pretty cool stuff.
This beauty was my favorite, as evidenced here:
The funny thing about apples straight from the tree is that most of them are crap, a shame considering the mess and clean up involved. Not to mention that Rosie has strewn them all across the lawn in efforts to get them to roll like the tennis balls she is so fond of. Most of them ended up here:

But the keepers ended up here:


Nic said...

Delish! Why didn't you offer me some of this delectable dish? You're so mean!

The Lynes Family said...

Your so funny. i love the pic of the trash with the apples in them. Can i grab a bucket full to throw at crazy people on the roads?