Tuesday, September 23, 2008

these bodies aint no wonderland

Maybe thats my cheap side speaking, but C and I thought Bodyworlds at http://theleonardo.org/bodyworlds/index.php was too spendy and didnt hold up its end of the deal. I mean, how many dudes can you look at with their skin off before youre like "okay, I think Im done"? Anyways, dont let me persuade you not to go if its been your life's ambition to see muscles, organs, and capillaries configured in ways we cant comprehend. I guess it was kind of cool - my favorite exhibit had fetuses throughout the entire gestational period. Whoa. All the way from like 3 weeks to in the late 30s, and its really wild to think about little creatures growing inside you... in a non parasitic way...
A word of warning: There are genitalia galore. Junk present at every turn. One poor man had his peep fileted right down the middle like on a banana split. Hello!

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